A Sweet Surprise

by Doris Ahlsten

In March, friends approached Todd and me with a proposal. If the Ahlsten Foundation was willing to cover the cost of Girl Scouts cookies and shipping, these friends would do all the work in packaging and sending 2 boxes of Girl Scout cookies to every Eddie Ashley Scholar (45 total).

We were initially reluctant, as the cost of shipping did not seem to make sense, but we decided to do a trial run and send 6 boxes to our 3 graduating college seniors. One senior wrote the following after she received the package: “ I wanted to thank you for the super sweet package! (literally and figuratively!) I had never had Girl Scout cookies before. My little sister and I shared them last night and she says they’re her new favorite cookie.”

After receiving this response, it was an easy decision. We gave our friends the green light to send out the remaining 42 packages. A week later, all Eddie Ashley Scholars received a sweet treat in the mail.

Special thanks to this family for helping us find special and sweet ways to support our Eddie Ashley Scholars!!!