A Tribute to Art Ammann

(Art Ammann is the 4th from the left in the photo above.)

It is with great sadness that we share the passing of Dr. Art Ammann, founder of Global Strategies, on August 15, 2021.  Art made huge discoveries in the fight against the AIDS virus, and eventually founded Global Strategies, a non-profit which improves maternal and child health in underserved African countries.Click on the link below to read more about his amazing life and accomplishments:

African mother with twins receiving care from Global Strategies.

African mother with twins receiving care from Global Strategies.

A message from Todd & Doris:

On a personal note, we met Art at a church picnic in September of 2012. Doris was 5 months pregnant with our twin boys, and there were complications surrounding her pregnancy. Art’s immediate concern and invaluable advice that afternoon and the months to come left a lasting impression on us that would eventually evolve into a friendship. 

Doris with their twin boys.

Doris with their twin boys.

4 months later, Doris gave birth to our 2.5 and 4 pound twin boys, both of whom required neonatal care. A few days later, we received the Global Strategies annual newsletter in the mail. On the cover was a picture of an African mother holding a set of twins who were receiving care from Global Strategies.  Doris felt an immediate connection with this African mother thousands of miles away and because of this, we were deeply moved to walk alongside with Global Strategies.  

Art strived to live out the gospel of Jesus daily. He saw great value in those who seemed invisible. Because of Art and the example of Christ he was to us, we will strive to see the unseen. We will miss you, Art.